Updates on Server Management

So as I previously posted, I did migrate all my stacks into Dockge, three servers. Mainly for being able to do basic tasks on the web, create new stacks, update stacks easily.

Biggest takeaway? Dockge is a bit abandoned by the creator, in favor of uptime-kuma. Which is a bit sad, but kuma has gained a lot of traction, and the creator has said, that they will return to give Dockge a lot of love after uptime-kuma 2.0 release has been done. So here’s hoping, since there is a lot of good PR’s that haven’t been merged, that would give the project some much needed love.

But overall I’m really happy, the point about dockge is that every project is just a normal compose.yaml -file, so I can still interact with them in terminal all I want, but I can just as easily update, edit them in the web, so it’s mainly a bit more convenient.

Feature side, is a tad lacking, but if the creator merges the existing PR’s at some point, it will go pretty far with just those. Mainly, I’m happy, and I’m happy I chose dockge, instead of Portainer, which makes stack management in the terminal nich-impossible.

Wireguard for All

Like I said also, I moved all my VPN services from OpenVPN to Wireguard, and I’m quite happy I did, it’s been really easy to manage all my needs, be it Android phones, or Laptops that need connecting to our internal network, which houses Immich, since I’m not going to move it yet to the Open World.

But after getting everything to work so easily, I also wanted to experiment with how to expose my internal services, to the Open World. Mainly, just for fun, but for actual access, so that I can access internal apps, housed in my own machines, from external network.

So, just as I did with Laptops, I just installed wireguard in my VPS, and connected to my internal network. After which I added a static route in my VPS-Traefik to route certain hostnames to my internal machine. And everything worked, after a few hickups, really nicely.

I added some traefik examples into my github: https://github.com/forgenator/traefik-example/

I also wrote this nifty script that i put into cron so that if something happens, which did happen, my ip-address changed. It will try to fix the wireguard tunnel every 15min until it’s fixed.



All and all, I’m happy with the changes I’ve done and how they’ve panned out. Managing my stacks is a tad easier, I’m hopeful that Dockge will get the love it deserves in the future.

And wireguard has been a god-send how I can easily manage my network and make everything work really nicely.